
My favorite part was when I realized not only the girls were getting the sperm…A.

Get those emphasis tags workin', bro!

I so thought the tiger was a Life of Pi reference.

I always tholught that Dean Pelton was bisexual, adding to the part of his character that views everybody and everyone including all races and sexes and other categories equally.

So is the City College supposed to be the Soviet Union?



Man, the future just keeps going on…

Let's go 2…c5 instead…and could people preface their moves with numbers!? This is anarchy!

NO. Just no. We're not playing anything like the Albin Countergambit.



Actually, I would duly like to inform you, sir, that it has in fact been the GIECO company that has been misspelling "GIECO" since its foundation in 1936. This entire debacle and its circumambient cover-up is all the makings of an elaborate ruse, as I am sure you would discover by partaking in the slightest most

I noticed this was brought to us by GIECO. So to help you guys out by letting GIECO know I saw them, I put down GIECO for every free-response. You're welcome.

Oh I get it. Your wife left you for a graphic designer.

Just wait. Soon they'll be able to tell whether or not you have ear-buds in your ears.

But what about peer pressure?

A ,with some added characters so my comment is accepted.

Could I, um, please give this an A?

Now I can't do anything.