
Hydra would (seem to the writers of this to) be a good crossover addition to this show! CBS should jump on it. In the new season opener Cobra Commander moves in next door and kills Angus T. Steakflower, so Jon Cryer befriends the cast of G.I. Joe . . .

Finally Law & Order gets to show a high speed chase on I-10 or 91 every episode! And whip-smart variations on "Get those choppers away from here!" will be the catch phrase of the West coast Lenny Briscoe.

I for one
Can't wait for the scene when Keitel and De Niro take Sustengo and then get into a pissing match that goes on for a full five minutes. Nothing picks a movie like this up faster than the extended bodily function joke!

You aren't that wrong OTP. I helped out with a Latino Review college prep program and they have a ton of interns in the 14-18 year old range who scour the net for things they are interested in and want to write about. They encourage the writers, who are mainly the kids who are prepping for college, to have a Latino

I said Easter twice :( Must be something in my water . . . .

Kids today are so spoiled
Remember when our parents used to give us a big dollop of cadmium and send us on our way?

One of my favorite
. . . concert memories is driving 8 hours to see Belle & Sebastian after class, stopping in small towns and finding places like "Venison World", the Wal-Mart of deer meat products, and then driving back right after the show to get there just in time for my 8:00 A.M. course the next day. It didn't

Season 5
Dexter being a single father with odd hours turns to the T.V. as a babysitter but when his daughter becomes obsessed with Jersey Shore Dexter realizes the error of his ways. Upon learning MTV has moved the cast to South Beach for the season Dexter learns some lessons in fatherhood while Harry eggs him on to

Super Mario
I wasn't impressed until I saw Mario Van Peebles attached. That dude OWNED Jaws with his Jamaican accent

In Cigarette Burns
one of the Masters of Horror series there is a snuff film artist with a great tattoo of a filmstrip around his body

I cried, then cringed
The first two hours, with the flashbacks was incredible. The last 30 minutes didn't work me as well as it seemed to stray into cheesy.

The last punch out
In a 2004 interview, Carradine said: "I remember one time sitting at the window of the third or fourth floor of the Plaza Hotel for about an hour, thinking about just tipping off."

Burning For This Role
My cousin runs this crematorium. You should look him up before we do this. He makes GREAT ASH!