Em is Me

I don't find her especially engaging on AHS or Nashville, but she shines on FNL.

Of course she's pleased, it's Kyle Chandler!

Yes. I'm currently doing a second watch on Amazon Prime. You will appreciate what's happened recently, so, so much more and feel so satisfied. Plus, I think there is an evolution of each character and you love each one more (or love to hate).

That's why Finn would be good for her. He's not even Alicia's type, which are power hungry assholes.

I don't think there is a phrase in the English language we use that encompasses our sympathy/empathy for situations.There's nothing other "I'm sorry." We know you aren't at fault: there's just nothing better to say.

He is also very nice to look at. Very nice.

Oh, disagree with Jeff Davis' episodes being the best. The Echo House one a few episodes back was AWFUL.

Stella Caricing?

Tom Hiddleston is one of the only reasons I love Tumblr. That is all.

I kind of hated this episode. It really botched mental illness in every way possible, and had suicide, self-harm for stunt purposes almost.

#JudesClues is the only hashtag I ever minded form this show.

He really is quite a nightmare. He's incredibly self-absorbed and possessive and an entitled brat.

If it's Allison, I will cry.

Link please. Because I've been sweating nails that Allison is going to die.

She does look drastically different as a brunette. Plus, no bangs now?

You should never catch VD.

I have been looking forward to this storyline since we all realized how great Dylan O'Brien is in that first season. It's just so fitting that Stiles is the villain (in one way) because he's just going to be stellar. I love this season. (though I'm sad at how little screen time Allison is getting).

Marry Dylan, Eff Stiles, Kill the Demon!Stiles.

I predict that when Stiles says he knows Agent McCall's secret, he was possessed. It was the spirit saying it.

I never thought I would say this, but there was not enough Allison in this episode. I could give a shit about her and Issac, but was really intrigued at her code and her aunt haunting her. A storyline outside of boys is one I wanted to see continued more.