Jay See

Fleeing John Malkovich

That they drive like this, while Dear Black People drive like this!

The writing is flat, the acting can't save it and it thinks it has something to say about RACE IN AMERICA and it doesn't.

Cute? Check.
Smart? Check.
Lisa Loeb glasses? Check.

I understand about the episode count but MeTV for instance airs several series that didn't reach that threshold. Moonlighting could easily have slotted into its "Catch ME IF You Can" block that it aired on Sunday afternoons (until a few weeks ago when it the block was replaced with, ugh, Happy Days and The Andy

How do none of the digital sub-channels carry Moonlighting? Need that time slot for more Hogan's Heroes and shit I guess.

I find him amusing and charming on talk shows and I never watched HIMYM. And he America's Funny Gay Friend who people can point to when they say they know a gay person.

It really didn't. Up through at least season four TB took itself very seriously as a series. It honestly believed that it was a prestige drama addressing important themes of civil rights. But even in those seasons there were plenty of garbage people, like every shapeshifter except Sam (and sometimes Sam) and the, ugh,

So you're saying that NPH was a…

That…that can't be possible.

I was like, "Ugh, Regina King, how can you follow up Southland with this terrible show?" Then I saw American Crime.

Is he supposed to be bisexual? That's kind of worse given the microscopic number of bisexual male characters on American television. Yes, era of equality and all that but we're not anywhere approaching equality in LGBT representation. To even come close we'd have to have exclusively LGBT content for about 60 years and

Where? Where?

You'll get your chance. The American version is set to debut on We TV in a few weeks.

I just started Batman Beyond this week!

Followed by severe eye-rolling when the gate gaped open right after the doctor "locked" it and the extra quickly yanked it shut.

In Search Of… was such a fun show, even if it did lead a lot of people probably to believe in stuff that, you know, doesn't exist. I was just at the age to appreciate serious "scientific" discussion of UFOs and Bigfoot so this was right in my sweet spot. I had no idea Rod Serling was set to host because Leonard Nimoy

:::masturbates furiously:::

:::pours one out for Doctor Doctor:::

That comment from Frankenteeth about how this was the first leg they really had to worry about Philimination really drove home a point that I've been making from the start. Every other team should have been allied against them because they were the only team who had to finish twice in NELs to get sent to