Jay See

Well, in Alex's defense, acupuncture is an utter sham and acupuncturists are complete charlatans. Guy's lucky Alex didn't leap over the podium at him.

I already said how much remorse. "Some". Some remorse. Or if "some" remorse is too much to ask, how about "any"?

I understand what Sorkin was going for and knowing what he was aiming for just makes his absolute whiff that much more spectacular in its awfulness.

I enjoyed the Kang and Kodos-shaped gingerbread men. The rest of the episode? Not so much.

The legal system and standards of ethics and morality are different things. Don did not say "Legally I have to presume these guys are innocent." He said (paraphrasing) You and your story are credible and the other guys and their stories are sketchy but I have the moral obligation to believe them which means I cannot

Yes, legally any accused person is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. To translate that legal obligation into a moral imperative to accept the accused's story as truth (which means the accusation must by definition be false) is a horrifying perversion of that sacred legal concept.


If asked, just smile and say "You were really good in it!" AND CHANGE THE SUBJECT.

So stupid. Soooo stupid. Leaving aside the revenge porn angle and how thoroughly disquieting that comparison is, "this tool might be used for evil so the tool must never be used" is the dumbest lapse of logic this show has ever indulged and that is saying something.

No one ever felt good about that.

She's (incorrectly) using the phrase "burden of proof" to refer to the supposed increase in the amount of proof required and other factors that are attached to the decision to report and prosecute rapes. Except it's not true. The kinds of questions that rape victims are asked now are the same questions that have been

Bill Cosby gave it a "special drink" and raped it. Allegedly.

Overused? Yes. Absolutely fucking accurate? Also yes.

He was just 20,000 years away from retirement.

That short a duration is really nothing to brag about.

Something something nailed your mom.

Are you doing this deliberately or are you all involuntary jerks?

Seconded, for pretty much these exact reasons.

I will happily taste Dom's chicken.