Jay See

Now they're the mashed potatoes.

Kate was more of the mentor figure to Alison than her mother was, so maybe that's why?


At around the same time I went to a lecture on the dangers of the occult at some fundamentalist church (this was Texas in the 1980s and Satanism was the nation's greatest threat). This church held healing services and nailed up around the front of the balcony were all these crutches and medical equipment that were

That doctrine applies to the fighting words themselves, not ensuing violence.

No, it isn't. The fighting words doctrine is a limitation on free speech. The Supreme Court ruled that speech calculated to incite immediate violence is not protected. The doctrine refers to the speech itself, not the aftermath, and does not immunize those who may be incited from legal action.

Yeah FX still has a lot to answer for with Terriers.

Stray observation number three: There is NO STRAY OBSERVATION NUMBER THREE!

Thou shalt not place Hos before Bros; it is an abomination.


I will never give up hoping for Jews In Space.

Aaron don't cotton to no calf-steppin'.

Thou shalt not forget to write.

But does he put marzipan in his pie hole? Bingo!

Officer Blonde Guy is Michael Roarke, who gets killed on TV a lot. Shame. He's so hot.

But not the evil one, just a demon.


CBS just barely beat Fox for me. And of course didn't include the only show I really needed it for, football-delayed The Amazing Race.
