Jay See

"I'm Ant-Man, and so is my wife!"


It' a possibly interesting overturning of what, when I last read comics, was an oft-asked question of whether the existence of superheroes is responsible for creating supervillains. From a meta standpoint the answer is obviously yes so this spin has potential.

Short story.

I would imagine that their VOD numbers are up simply because they finally started providing VOD for more than a handful of people. Fox was the last of the Big Four to work out its VOD deal with my cable provider and even then they're doing that goddamn eight day delay for a bunch of their shows that so endeared me to

I'll take those odds!

Thank you, that image has made the skin literally crawl off my body.

No one's saying he can't be black, contrarian, a critic, or any combination thereof. All anyone is saying is "If you can't keep your trap shut at awards banquets we will no longer invite you."

We all did, Scrawler. We all did.

I had a dream two nights ago that Queen Latifah and I had beef and we ended up fighting with swords.

They can if they use failed relationships to keep track!

Yours or shambolic's?

Katie Power?

I would love a noir spin on the Jessica Drew Spider-Woman.

Given that he's post-stroke that could actually be kind of inspiring.

The implication that fellatio is better for Hank if Jan shrinks down is…not flattering.

I'm just talkin' about Tarkin!

That Tarkin is one bad mother-

If your lens flare persists for more than four hours, that's…pretty much typical for a JJ Abrams film.

You do have a great headshot.