Jay See

Please, as if HBO will show any hot swords being crossed…

"I'm sorry, you have midi-chlamydia."

Hey, if it's good enough for an entire episode of G.I. Joe

♫ Climb ev'ry mountain… ♪

LOL WTF is a golden globes

I see someone got up on the stupid side of the bed this morning!

If I promise never to call you a queer will you shut the fuck up already? Because seriously, I'm starting to get embarrassed for you.

Episode 8: Harden My Ringer!

Did he go on to lead Operation Chastise?

Sorry, I mistakenly attributed a complete thought to you and believed you meant that "gay" was only ever just a euphemism. Won't happen again.

I have no responsibility for how others choose to use language. If Chapelle believes he does, that's on Chapelle. Has nothing to do with me at all.

I have no responsibility for how anyone else uses language because I don't have any control over it. "Dave Chapelle says n-gger so I can too" is a bullshit argument and deserves no consideration. I can choose to say n-gger and I can choose not to and whether anyone else says it cannot change that. Your argument is

"Gay woman" as slang for "prostitute" dates back to at least the 17th century.

Well you know, I ain't got me one o' them thar fancy law-talk degrees like some city folk, but I know how to interpret analogies just fine. It's just that it's a silly analogy in support of a shitty argument. No one who intends to use the word "queer" or "the n-word" as an epithet is going to care about whether any

You divided my clothes? What are you, some kind of Roman soldier at the foot of the cross of Jesus or something?

I have UK Shameless in my Netflix Instant queue but I'm busy mainlining The Sarah Connor Chronicles on Amazon Prime before my free trial runs out. I know I started watching it when it was first broadcast and can't for the life of me figure out why I would have stopped. I'll have to see about Skins although I've

In sentence two you appeal to our hypothetical bashers' authority to define queer. Then in sentence four you criticize me for supposedly doing the same thing. You're magnificent.

Why the fuck should I care what Dave Chapelle thinks about people using the word "queer"?

Well D_Boons_Ghost has football, but "Football In the Groin" has a football in the groin.

And now everything's been inserted into Pam Anderson.