Jay See

Make that old lady copy out "I will not plagiarize" 5000 times. That might cure her of her copying ways.

The A.V. Club
In color!

…said your mother, whose name inexplicably is Comedy.

That's what she said.

But it's worth so many points in Scrabble!

"It's true! We're so lame!"

Are you high? A bisexual man is "appropriating" the word "queer" from gay people? Do you really think that bashers stomping Ice Cream Planet for being "queer" would stop if he told them he was bisexual? Have you lost your goddamn mind?

That's the hot Latino date-rapist (allegedly) one, yes?

70s game shows are fucking awesome.

Jesus man, "90 turds a minute" was right there! Come on!

Do you part your Peter on the right or the left?

Exactly, and Bieber ain't got that kind of time.

It kind of resembles a pie, but a pie made of hair? Preposterous!

Penis puns are hard on all of us.

I don't think the piece so much fell as it was placed carefully.

Fun fact: The BBC decreed that because of their interest in Matt Smith as The Doctor, MS was not allowed to be shown fully nude in CAHK. This despite the fact that MS had given man-ass a year earlier in Womb.

Too. Stupid. Can. Not. Process.

"Dangerfield, Lana! DANGERFIELD!"

No, that was our worst day.

Fuck ICP, Faygo needs to die for that goddamn earworm commercial jingle that still pops into my head 40 goddamn years later. Remember when you were a kid? Well part of you still is because that fucking song just started playing in your brain.