Jay See

I agree that the plot works but it's still obvious. Without even knowing it was Doctor Limpdick, as soon as the guy in the hat appeared outside the theater I was "she's gonna fuck that guy in the hat." I don't object to her fucking the guy in the hat but I was kind of hoping it would be drawn out over at least one


No worries, he doesn't have any.

And Mr. Pibb is on deck.

The acting is great but the plotting is too obvious. Of course the guy who's undergoing Freudian analysis is going to bang the lady old enough to be his mother. Of course the woman whose unsatisfying sex life gets thrown in her face is going to jump the first guy she sees. It's too neat, too easy.

8) They were afraid that by not letting go of the bag he'd be pulled down into the herd.

They aren't home yet…

According to the Walking Dead sync, Dead Girl Walking was named Ana.

And let us not forget (because I can't so why should you get to) The Practice, which actually totted out "Hannibal Lecter" himself in a later season.

Dracula dropped 27% in the adult demo from week 1, with 3.4 million viewers and a 1.3 rating. It dropped 1.5 million viewers and .2 in the demo from Grimm.

Side note: I'm currently watching Borgia on Netflix and since my only real "knowledge" of the period comes from the Showtime series I'm constantly getting "that's not what happened!…oh wait" moments in my head.

It's at least an improvement over past seasons in that CBS admits football is going to run long because they can't figure out how to play a 60 minute game in less then four hours but it's still a pain.

But football overruns are still screwing the start time for The Amazing Race which fucks up my entire Sunday night.

Anyone who spares the American people any aspect of an Eminem performance is a goddamn national hero.

The episode loses half a grade for the ridiculous "viscera absorbed except for the skull pattern on Adalind's belly" nonsense. Lord, what a groaner.

I called it last week, 100% Christian Slater.

See, I read that scene more as Jonathan was being ragged by his buddies about having a wife who worked so he popped off with a comment that he didn't really mean (except part of him did) and he got caught at it. It wasn't so much LOOK AT THE SEXIST as it was LOOK AT THE DUMB GUY.

Even though it was the typical blackmail scenario the episode gets a half-letter for including the gay characters and another half-letter for Dracula's kiss which, combined with his seduction of Harker, indicates that Dracula is, if not bisexual, at least willing to use his sexual magnetism equally. Dracula stories

Frankcumberry and Spoo berry.

Sploot Brute