Jay See

IIRC, she took the train so she'd have time to review the file on the serial killer she was sent to interview.

I'd suggest an Alice Roosevelt Longworth biopic but I just know they'd cast that goddamn Anne Hathaway.

This is why I miss Linens 'n Things.

That was the style at the time.


Does the package include the video for Madonna's "Music"?

FLAGGED! for swiping my Sleepaway Camp joke from yesterday

She hasn't started yet.

You laugh but at least one episode did deal with her character suffering from a repetitive stress injury.

*joins military, retires 25 years later at the rank of lieutenant colonel*

It's like those French have a different word for everything!

You've said that line so many times it's lost all meaning!

Cool story, brah.

Slightly off-topic, I thought Miriam Shor as Ytsak was a hot guy and then the most beautiful drag queen I had ever seen and did not discover until months after seeing the film that she is, in fact, a woman.

McDermott's ass still hasn't gotten the call?!

The best I've been able to handwave it at this point is to compare it to sickle cell, where a genetic abnormality is detrimental in one way (possible sickle cell disease) but beneficial in another (resistance to malaria). But ultimately it's not going to make sense from a scientific standpoint and as far as I'm

The judges would have also accepted "crannies".

As if there's an entire town of French virgins.

And then drink the other half. For the ladies.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers in, well, anything but let's go with Velvet Goldmine.