Jay See

That's Ted in the header, on the left.

Don't stop hating. Hating is never the wrong answer.

I would be happy to lend Kim and Kanye some fire to die in…

See " out of universe" above. Voicing disapproval would have meant two Dobrev voices overlapping each other on the soundtrack.


From an in-story perspective Damon is a lot stronger than Elena so there wasn't going to be a whole lot Elena could do to stop him, and out-of-universe it would have muddied the soundtrack and watered down the scene to have both Katherine and Elena pleading for Katherine's life in the same voice.

The clip's already unavailable for viewing and I still need a shower.

When I see that necklace I can only think "Ugly Betty".

TVD isn't playing with Buffy-level stakes (heh), though. The closest that TVD has ever gotten to an Apocalypse is that dropping the barrier to The Other Side would let all the dead supernaturals come back. But since there aren't world-waste-laying demons in the TVD universe (and since many of the supernaturals

Toffifay, they're too good for kids!

Oh, lighten up.

And their sister society at Vassarrrrrrrrrr.

I was with the show right up until the flashback because a) the Corsican sisters reveal was stoopid and b) the whole "sex = death" metaphor was so thick it choked me. If the show kind of forgets the former and nuances the latter I'm golden.

Seriously Caroline? You're going to a party as someone named BONNIE? Too soon!

♫ If I dissolved kids in a barrel / The first kid that I'd turn to goo


The season one cliffhanger will introduce Kick's mysterious arch-nemesis, Step Ball Change.

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Dr Jekyll's home address*

You can tell them apart because Nemoy wears a goatee.

"Bewayah tha Ides ah Mahch, ya QUEEAH!"