Jay See

Many men in gay porn do.

Not all of them, sometimes there's kidnapping and/or terrorism.

Your new mission in life is to monitor this group and throw yourself bodily between its members and any device capable of displaying any episodes of Dexter.

I was somehow so sure I'd be the only one following this show old enough to remember that George cover. And I loved how the magazine was "hot off the presses" but Papa somehow managed to get a copy across the ocean twice and critique it in mere hours.

His beard is Secretary of the Interior.

And in their munificence your new tv column overlords grant you CancerAIDS.

Max's nips, though!

And Carrie was in that movie! It works on so many levels!

I knew there was a good reason never to have watched HIMYM ever. OK, except the musical episode because NPH singing? Please and thank you.

It's all right everyone! Dana's OK and Chris was there to see she got home!

It was on sale!

They should have found an old barn and put on a show about yoga!

If I wanted to watch fat people having sex I'd jerk off in front of a mirror.

"It is also a time capsule of a time when the idea that Bobby McGee might
have grown up to be a settled, middle-class,
middle-aged-before-her-time suburban housewife"

*struggles with depression over The Bob Newhart Show being termed "old-timey"*

Especially ass cancer.

That accent was pure Christian Slater and that's all there is to it.

Blowjob it is!

Hooper was the goddamn shit to pre-teen to early-teen me. I must've watched it 50 times on HBO.