Thirsty McSwiggin

kung fu sucks, crazy beats skill any day , i 've seen guys try to do some shit on the street and while they HURT the opponent they usually lose the fight, broken and bloody. Also, if you fight too well with that shit, better kill the guy cause he's coming back with 12 other guys and a shotgun filled with rat poison

i actually met tupac once when i was like 10 when he was still in digital underground…a neighbor of mine was related to Humpty Hump and he used to swing by our block in the Bronx… he was a tiny, soft spoken dude like maybe 5'5? he ate cheddar popcorn like a fucking animal and had the sickest fucking bone ridge on his

Pod People
WTF is one of the better podcasts, along with Doug Loves Movies. All the posts mentioned a ton of casts that I'll have to check out but no love for Joe Rogan? C'mon people. He just rambles and it's GREAT. It just pure meandering chaos and it's beautiful.