Kool Moe Dee and Kool Moe Mee

Yes, I did. I am devastated.

In the history of rap …
Has there ever been a song smoother than "Regulators?" I defy anyone to name one!

I was eating a burger when I read this …
And fuckkkkkkk is that little motherfucker tasty!

Well, this news just makes me want to ….
Go upstairs and eat this fucking Chinese food. In my fucking room.

He's losing his MIND!
… And I'm reaping all the benefits …


This show's OK
It gives me a couple of fleeting laughs here and there, but, honestly, I'm watching for Katie Aselton. Her character is funny and ADORABLE. She's always so warm and sunny. And it's so cold and damp here in my mom's basement.

"The Best Thing About Sex" by Creed Bratton
The feeling of *pure* risk.

Four minutes you can't get back
David, the final scenes were indeed filmed with a live audience prior to a Flyers game at the W.F. Center back in April: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Definitely, definitely excited to hear this
… Of course, three minutes to Wopner. Three, three minutes to Wopner. Yeah.

Well, I'm sold! Now where do I deposit my $15?

According to Wikipedia, not only did approx. 5,700 women say, "Fuck Prince" during the 80s, they actually performed the act.

"They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you."
Sounds like Prince needs The Cinco Library's Encyclopedia of Numbers. It has numbers forgotten by time AND numbers for men!:

The dreaded triple post. I don't know how it happened. Next time, I'm just gonna type in "Beetlejuice."

Wish my yearbook quote was as funny as …
"Van Halen sucks." Even if I don't really agree with it.

Wish my yearbook quote was as funny as …
"Van Halen sucks." Even if I don't really agree with it.

Wish my yearbook quote was as funny as …
"Van Halen sucks." Even if I don't really agree with it.

Next up for R. Kelly
A well-crafted and soulful tribute to the game of cricket *and* the genetically-altered humans engineered by the Goa'uld of Stargate SG-1, aptly titled "Jitterbuggin' For A Jaffa"

You are entitled to your opinion, but, c'mon, you had to enjoy the Kumar-Kumar's ex-Bag of Weed threesome scene!

But what about NPH?!?!?
If he's not in it, life isn't worth living!