
I think that Newhart is someone who needs to do more things like Proton. He is funny and smart, and if he had had a role on something like 30 Rock or Parks & Rec or something that has more of a brain than Big Bang Theory, I think he could have a real beloved character on his hands.
And I wouldn't mind seeing a real

All in favor of nominating Hiddleston as host for a November episode of Saturday Night Live to promote Thor: The Dark World say "Mewling quim!"

I feel like the minority, but I think that, despite its MANY flaws, Newsroom is one of my favorite shows on TV. It isn't better than Breaking Bad, or Mad Men, or a lot of the shows on HBO, but it still a show that I find endlessly engaging. The cast is great, and I like the dialogue. That said, this is the best