
Matheson jr. is a bit of an odd bird, artistically speaking: his prose stories are exqusitely well-crafted, almost like poetry. On the other hand, he's written for tv shows like THREE'S COMPANY and THE A-TEAM. He can be very, very good or very, very bad.
 It's not the first time he's worked with his dad, though.

You know how it is in show biz; a couple of decades out of the spotlight, and then POW! You're the hot new thing.

Yeah, the original really holds up; even a lot of the effects still work.

If they're pointedly referring to it as THE SHRINKING MAN (original book title) as opposed to THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN (much more well-known title of the film made by another studio), then I'd guess they need Matheson's involvement to get the rights to the novel.
 And you know, he IS one of the most respected and

Ironically, an iconic voice actor himself; Matheson was the original voice of JONNY QUEST.

I always found it interesting how many of the voice actors in the DCAU shows could have probably played their characters in live action if the show had been done a decade or two earlier.

Parks was SUPPOSED to be a direct spin-off of The Office, at NBC's request. The producers eventually talked them out of it, mostly by pointing out they'd still have to give Ricky Gervais part ownership.

There's also a CANADIAN version, with it's own spin on the technique: TRAILER PARK BOYS has openly acknowledged the crew's presence on multiple occasions, most memorably when one of the cameramen accidently got shot during a scuffle with rival criminals, and the gunfight broke off so they could drop him off at the

NO animated show on Fox reaches a natural conclusion. They ALL drag on well past the point it should have been cancelled.
Even "Allen Gregory".
 ESPECIALLY "Allen Gregory".

Fun Fact: if you visited the MTV offices in the late 1980s/early 1990s, you'd find TVs there playing MuchMusic. The staff considered it a more worthy rival than VH1.

But you know the instant they realised how many Canadian Cameos they'd need, the producers MUST have know they HAD to have an SCTVer in there; fortunately, Dave Thomas is up for anything.
(although there IS a weird link to Moranis; Dave Coulier provided the voice of Bob MacKenzie in a short-lived BOB AND DOUG cartoon

The producers have indicated plans for a spin-off series about Caeser, so they probably have a pretty good idea about where they want his character to go.

Better not watch DOCTOR WHO or GAME OF THRONES, then; she'll be appearing on both soon.
  Her daughter, Rachel Stirling, will be joining her on WHO; that might help soften your mental transition: http://gallery.warwickartsc…

Yes, PHIBES director Robert Fuest was a designer and director on THE AVENGERS, and was considered a key player in developing the show's distinctive look.
 He also directed a film version of Michael Moorcock's THE FINAL PROGRAMME which, while flawed, may appeal to AVENGERS fans.

FIRST season of NEW AVENGERS is actually pretty good (Clemens is still in control, and the scripts and production values are solid)…. but SECOND season….oy vey.

The closest thing we ever got to a "real" AVENGERS movie was THE ASSASINATION BUREAU with Diana Rigg, Oliver Reed, and Telly Savalas. Fans should check it out.

Fun Fact: the recent AVENGERS movie was always referred to as "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" in British promotional materials, in order to emphasise that it wasn't the REAL "Avengers". 
  (Likewise, when some comics based on the tv series were republished in the States, they used the title STEED AND MRS. PEEL.)