
B is for Brandon's Boner for Blaine. This is the grading scale. And boy, is it so obvious and embarrassing.
This episode was just awful, and there's no way to rationally come to any other conclusion. I'm so glad we're this much closer to the end of it all.

Ah another instance of the more attractive wife/less attractive husband. If I were Byrne, I'd skip out on Rogen and hit up any one of the Greeks.
Not sure why this is being touted as a frat movie… "with something to say". I do suppose frat movies are on the lowest rung, but with such baiting as a girl/girl kiss in the

So, the "beautiful" MIT undergrad is a dude, too, right? Oh, no? I guess the dudes can just be "quirky and intelligent" and carry a show while still being butt-ugly. But you, young lady, if you're going to be smart you better be beautiful! Actually, just be beautiful, thanks.

You bitch about continuity the ONLY time they at least have the decency to mention the missing supporting characters? Yikes. Get a clue, guy.
I look forward to your A+ review next week! I have a feeling you're going to love it. Has all the makings of a complete pile of shit.

This episode went beyond expectation, in a good way. (For Glee, I suppose that's an easy feat). It's clear that Chris has a better handle on these characters than the regular writers. He even went so far (gasp!) as to explain why some characters had completely disappeared off the glee-verse.
Also, having Blaine in

Lea Michele was fantastic here. Contrary to the last couple episodes, it's really obvious they work so much better when the focus is on her. I hope they keep it going in this direction. The Sue storyline was pretty random, but what isn't in this universe? Couldn't get invested in the least though.
Highlight: Santana

This show is filled with terrible puns and bad setups to bad jokes. But the heart of it is really the two girls— their dynamic carries the whole thing. i hope they're back to focusing more on them and less on extraneous characters and love interests. Relatively speaking, I'd give this one a B+.

I'd watch 2 Broke Girls over TBBT any day. Talk about misogynist garbage.

"Misogyny requires at least a modicum of (misguided or misused) intelligence."

Jesus, Blaine is so pathetic. I wonder if his downward spiral into awfulness is purposely being done for some greater reason, if there's any actual point to it. Then I remember Finn and his relationship with Rachel, and how he was (is!) always treated like some sort of hero, where clearly he was anything but. The

Ah, I liked this one. I'm glad the focus is back on the girls and not the male love interests. The chemistry is undeniable between those two and that's what really makes the show work — even with all its flaws.

I agree with the time sentiment, but in no way should a Klaine wedding be the end of this series. This isn't what the show is about. And a couple should in no way be the center of it.

Well, one thing is for sure: What worked in NY was that it focused on certain characters and the chemistry between them. All we have here is Lima pt. 2, set it New York. Which is exactly what sent the series into an extreme slump.

If you don't think Blaine is selfish, you have been watching an entirely different show. There's no way making breakfast in bed for your fiancee clears him of all his selfish (and immature and insecure) behaviors — (ie: storming into Starchild's home while throwing a temper tantrum). Eek, this kid is as awful as they

Completely agree. It baffles me to critique Adam Lambert's acting, when you know… Darren Criss? ha. And yes, too many males, it feels really out of balance without Santana there. As for Klaine, they are such an awful couple. It's really hard to watch and not feel bad for Kurt.

It was great not being in Lima for once. I really love the new focus. The downside was another Blaine-heavy episode. And another time he got to show us what a selfish, awful character he is. I can't believe this review called out Lambert's acting when the true offender was right under his nose. I guarantee replacing


It seems as if the writers went back through all the old complaints and tried to rectify them. Brittany finally graduating, and with the help of Santana no less, was a really satisfying moment. I'm happy they are riding off into the sunset together, but pics or it didn't happen. Here's to hoping they become a big part

Not sure how this is a C, since most episodes this season have been almost unbearable to watch and still have scored higher. The last two episodes got Bs, and they were both uninspired shitshows. I can only assume we must be watching for different reasons.