Mister Ford

How great would it have been to see that License to Ill era Public Enemy/Beasties tour? Alas, I was 11 and live in podunk Charlottesville, Va.

If it were possible to buy 40's of Brass Monkey, that's how I'd Approach this evening, as it stands, shit-tons of Budweiser and weed.

Had to flag that one, sorry.

Not to be flippant by any means[ I'm half-crying and sniffling all over the place] but this should be the message board that breaks the Community record.

Why all the fight? why all the fuss?

Speaking offhand, I think he's the reason they managed to still be relevant and awesome after Check Your Head. The Message on Ill Communication is all about MCA

@baulderstone I think it was 5th grade when I shoveled driveways after a snowstorm to buy a 12.99! cassette of License to Ill at Sears, so began my lifelong love affair with the B-Boys. Say what you might about their most recent output but….damn. Condolensces to everyone.

Shitty, shitty Friday.

Not saying that she did, but I'm sure most of us would fuck someone for a lucrative basic cable deal, including semi-known comedians. Hell, I'd fuck Chelsea for a pack of smokes, or you know nothing.

Props for using 'His own self', I like Jay Mohr quite a bit, but after one PC he had with this guy I'd never heard of and all they talked about was fighting and nutrition, i unsubscribed. Glad it's in the purview of AVC, so i can maybe see when he has worthwhile guests, the Jeff Garlin episode was particularly good[

Does finding his sycophantic schtick annoying count as not liking him? In such a case, I have indeed done the impossible. He seems like an impossibly nice guy, and i listen to YMiW when he has a guest I find interesting, but i don't really feel that he brings much to the table.

Coming off as really unpleasant opposite Maron is quite a feat.

For some reason I like to imagine that Chris is David Cross' assistant from TIPDoTM

I'm not sure Gervais' creativity merits quotation marks.

A Jenna and Paul spinoff would be a comedic black hole, please tell me you made that up.

made me wonder if he was on blow

He was also great a season or so ago when describing an abandoned newspaper box to a little girl,

You will be missed. Prick.

At this point I'll only tune in to P&R if the Knick game gets out of hand.

It's as though they took today's article about timely cancellations to heart