Mister Ford

WTF is Rick?

Game recognize game.

Agreed. 'No one ever says too few black people' was by far the funniest joke of the night.

As opposed to all of the male comediennes?

We're talking about Jackass fans here, that some of them may send an anonymous death threat to anyone[let alone a woman] who disparaged the memory of one of their cardinals is not believable, it's probable.

@captain dada, top of the list, you have arrived my friend!

Well good for fucking you.

I'm glad someone else is tired of this bullshit

Cause he's a douchebag-cunt/hack? wise policy.

Well aren't you a big shot?

Wasn't that the case with Keaton?

Motherfuck them and Bruce Wayne.

Women typically aren't funny at all, but yes this is their best shot.

Agreed, I rarely seek out horror movies any longer and DMTH was a wonderful surprise. Though I'm still perplexed at how easily she killed that kitten.

i thought this article would be about the exquisite Mark Wahlberg/Reese Witherspoon vehicle. Imagine my disappointment.

He's like a more realistic Dwight Schrute."

I live roughly 100 miles south of D.C. and don't use AC unless it's over 85 degrees outside.

Especially that time she advised her friend to commit suicide.


Needs more venal!