Mister Ford

'It sucked his brain out!'


Bart: You are, as they say in Latin, a Dorkus Malorcus.
Lisa: That's not Latin!

I have Nikolai Volkoff to thank for the anthem thing.

Well, you'd do well to include it in your 'best' category, as it's the funniest in recent memory. I'm holding you this Tobias, don't forget why you're here.

No love for Judge John Hodgeman this week? That shit was pretty hilarious.

Proops is great, you are incorrect, and a dick.

I know I did.

Was that line a Die Hard shoutout?

Best episode in a long time.

Costanza for O'brien!

John Cocktoasten made a movie?

Actually, a lot of people thought it was aggressively bad.

Cake Boss!!

At the risk of sounding like a carpetbagger, WTF is a tablescape?

Ugly Americans simply isn't That funny. It's good, but come on man.

watch a show with Ashley Judd, where she's not hot even in the least? Have fun…

One of those indie networks back in the day, in the DC area it was WDCA ch. 20.

Am I imagining this, or wasn't there also a low-rent Phantasm series back in the day?

Or The WB.