Mister Ford

Cutter of the buns.

I thought it was actually a decent show, much better than Freddy's nightmares anyway.

Wasn't that disproven by the mediocrity of the most recent Muppet movie?

Why anyone had high hopes of Segel doing anything great with The Muppets is beyond me, seriously he's the lead of a marginally funny TV show, has been the lead in one marginally funny movie. Someone please enlighten me.

I always thought the line was 'PLease be that ni**a'

This reminded me of the 'Weekly Wahlberg' on Sklarbro Country and I had to laugh.

4 times?

48 Hrs, Beverly Hills Cop, Trading Places, 50 % of all SNL worth watching…if that doesn't amount to a lifetime pass, not sure what does

Did you just Google 'least desirable used car'?

I always assumed it was from the mouths of Dekadance, You know, stickin it to those fuckers in INXS

@avclub-734ffb84cfa214922893511fae356b45:disqus  Corduroy is their best song far and away

No love for Wooden Jesus?

Him and me both.

A shit-ton of major- league relievers are fat and awkward, their reddeming quality is that they can get any three given batters out in an inning. having said that I found the season 3 premiere quite lacking

I think you mean 'Dean dean dong, dean a dean dean dong…[keep they heads deanin']…

Turning into?

Brett Weir, he's the super across the way and I'm very angry at that little jerk

'Get in the water and touch the electric wires!'

Woke up, didn't choke up, saw my AK it was broke up. Put it together like a jigsaw, grabbed my 9 and rambo knife off the floor…

You'd be correct, and you'd still like Justified