Mister Ford

I beg to differ.

Tough Crowd was so much more watchable than anything Bill Maher has ever done; he really should have taken notes.

The Gatling gun, while hand-cranked, still qualifies as a machine. I think.


Alright now…

Notice how calmly he dropped the .38 after killing the 2 stooges?

Go on…wit yer sharp ass.

Futurama was at about a C level when it first went off the air, nothing has improved.

Chekhov's Volvo?

I don't like Wizard of Oz cause I'm straight.

So is the actor a Ree-Ree or not, this has often been a point of confusion for me


Since the mass-poisoning was the plan all along one would think that Gus' exit strategy involved some sort of medical dudes.

It is.

The Running Wilde pilot was about 50 times funnier than this. Applegate, while competent, could be replaced with just about anyone and Serafanowicz(?) is a joy to behold, while Maya Rudolph is a comic black hole.

And get cancelled it will, cause this show fucking sucks.

Angel of Death would also rock

yes you do need that job, only so you could be fired a week later and someone more capable could step in; all of those songs are terrible.

You do realize closers come out at the very end right? hence the name…

Deride it if you must, but 'Power' by Kanye would be tits; 'I'm in that 21st century doin somethin' mean to it, doin it better than anybody you ever seen do it, shouts from the haters, got a nice ring to it. i guess every superhero needs his theme music…'