Mister Ford

Is a farce

It certainly worked against D2 JMU last year. The only reason VT isn't mentioned in the same breath as the USCs and UMs of the world is because no self-respecting NCAA investigator would set foot in Blacksburg. Go Hoos!

Highest payroll in the game+first round playoff exit=down year, every single time.

Just Another Victim

I thought 'Take the A-train' was the intro for Still life?

Given the quality of the show I think that Fringe can be forgiven for doing what they have to do to stay afloat, although it was quite distracting at times.

because they're roughly the same level of quality.

Benjamin, Warburton and Arnett would be a baritone triumverate for the ages


Season two had some shit that actually made me turn away from the screen at times. It's amazing what they can get away with on the Beeb. Having said that it was pretty fucking awesome, a step up from the 1st season in my opinion.

hopefully Dec. 22nd.

More like Archer, Always Sunny, and when the hell does JUSTIFIED start up again?

Jon Benjamin aside, I have trouble figuring out why Bob's burgers is such a darling on this site. It's a comedy that forgot it was supposed to be funny, and the voice-acting is so annoying that it overpowers the sub-par animation as it's weakest quality.

I'm pretty certain that he jumped that shark on waterskis(in a leather jacket no less). Had he jumped it on his motorcycle we wouldn't use that term as a pejorative because that would have been awesome.

I'd even take Dante from Clerks over this jackass

It's taken a lot less than your broke ass to ruin Mad Men.

Calling it 'possibly the funniest show on TV' is farcical.

Flame thrower>shotgun>spiked fucking bat.

Then thank George Carlin.

That's a secret?