Mister Ford

That's funny, I have a history with Jewish minors.

Yes, but they can be very hard to find.

Actually, you lost every single shred of musical credibility when you posited that 'Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town is probably the quintessential American folk-rock song'.

Good call on Living Colour, Vivid, Time's Up, Biscuits and Stain all rock, and seeing them on the Stained tour is still one of the top 5 shows I've been to. A very underrated 90's band.

I think Tyson is about 1000 times more self-aware than "The Sitch"

Ever since Pootie Tang I've wanted nothing but less of Wanda Sykes.


If you didn't know about anal sex until 8 years ago, perhaps you're more of a closeted virgin than we(ALL) thought.

Naomi Watts, she's an obsession of mine.

Remember when Apu asked the same question of Butch Patrick?

Since the (unreliable)Narrator feels the need to post on each and every article posted to this site, I find it hard to believe he doesn't know who TtC is. Your lack of research and creativity do a great disservice to your avatar. I can't wait for school to start up again so the Newswire may be free of you until at

John Cocteausteau

Maybe 'Of its own Volition' and 'Of it's own momentum was a sly commentary on where the show was headed.

Thrummer, fuck you, and fuck your family.

I've seen The Allman Bros. at least 3 times since '94. They fucking rock and their musicianship is almost unparalleled, but it's the same show every time.

Karl Farbman begs to differ

We'd be luckier if Futurama had never existed.

Poorly spelled Herzog. Poorly spelled.

If not for Mark Ronson we'd have never heard of this Winehouse person.

So it was good?