Mister Ford

He was one on Walken's thugs in King of New York also.

By Walter's hand no less…

what does that even mean?

Everyone seems to think the bat-shape is the sky. At first glance I assumed it was a top down view, and the clouds were rising up from the streets. I'm also really high and about 3 beers in the hole.

Phil Hartman as the joker could also have worked.

Yeah, as if we're going to take grammatical advice from an angry black man.

Isn't it though?

I'm guessing Bill Simmons has as much if not more Pop Culture 'experience' than Kevin Mcfarland. I just hope Oneal gets back soon because this endless parade of pretenders to the throne that AVC keeps trotting out simply aren't getting it done.

I'll be
The first to torrent this album…

Has anyone else noticed
The use of GK's 'The Champ' being used to promote the upcoming X-Games? Wonder if Burgess Meredith will sue as well…

Doin' Time is basically a cover song anyway. And it sucks.

Well they do get all emotional…

"I can't watch a man sing a song…"
Very underrated Seinfeld quote.

or 20 dollar Netflix.

He said decent.

Bloodbath & Beyond

It didn't change my life or anything but 5th season wasn't that bad. Laguerta and Angel were truly awful, but Peter Weller was pretty cool, Deb and Quinn were OK, Dexter was his usual self and Stiles was way more tolerable than Julie Benz ever was. Seems like the Santa Muerta shit is going to come back in to play this

The Redskins have the 4th or 5th lowest payroll going in to the upcoming season.

Eveyone who used to rail non-stop against Microsoft…
should once again sup on some crow. Lifelong PC user, and so shall I remain…in perpetuity.

Or that much better…