Mister Ford

At least it gives XFC another shot at #1. Who am I kidding? Carrey takes it in a laugher.


The Man with the Getaway Face?

Funnier than Community, but not better.

Same reason P&R was nominated and Community wasn't.

But not as awesome as Skyrim

First Class was just that, First fucking class. IMO the best (loose)comic adaptation ever, only because TDK should have somehow been shorter.

Wesley Willis played a neighboring fraternity house twice while I was an undergrad; you sir are no Wesley Willis

AV Club really should have done an 'other shows' review of the NBA Finals.

I rewatched The Office(UK), brilliant. And also Cedar Rapids, which was only redeemed by Maebe Funke smoking crack and saying 'You can fuck me in the ass'.

Give it up dude, I'd sooner read Tracy Morgan recount his last weeks bowel movements than another one of your gimmick posts. Sometimes you abandon them and can show real insight, but this bullshit has got to go.

This is invariably one of the least interesting articles you guys post, glad to see it back.

Fear takes many forms. I remember early in the first run thinking, I could do any of this except for eating nasty shit. Now being older and somewhat wiser I'm afraid of just about everything, I can't even eat Beans without a mild gag-reflex.

Seems like kind of a dick-move, pulling the rug out from under us like that.

Archer did the 3-way in the Skorpio episode, if I'm not mistaken.

They say 'shit' on FX like it's going out of style. Which it never will.

Mention Parks and Recreation in the same breath as Arrested Development again, and I will embark on a Jay and Silent Bob-like sojourn to hunt you all down and tea bag you.

What I don't like is that this is a summer-only affair. You guys do Classic Simpsons throughout the year, as well as The Sopranos and X-Files. Clear out the rest of the series quickly so everyone can get the write ups of that Wire show everyone is clamoring for. If you mention the informative, yet poorly written

Jesus, have you people watched the show? I'm pretty sure Wayne Jarvis doesn't appear until S2, and it's Bob Loblaw's Law Blog, not Law Bomb; not even sure what that means.

No, it's not that great. History will not remember it kindly.