Mister Ford

Yes, LloydBraun should definitely go fuck himself, and never darken the doorstep of the AD comment boards again. Or he could just die and go to Hell.

I'll take The Carwash Cunts all day long…

Sydnor is the new Daniels, come on…


I though Black or White was the one where he beat the car up?

Clone High was awful.

does he still make music?

Motherfuck John Wayne, The Searchers was OK but by and large his films suck.

Lex Luger is the GZA's brother??

Were such notable films…Were shot.

Charlottesville, Va.
Where such notable films as:
Morgan Stewart's Coming Home
True Colors
Toy Soldiers
Major Payne
A Kiss Before Dying
Evan Almighty
Plus you can visit the bar that Dave Matthews worked at before he got famous, AND where Clarice Starling did her undergrad!

There was probably a similar kerfluffle when Travolta was cast in Pulp Fiction right?

This will probably draw a resounding chorus of boos, But Denzel in Man on Fire/Training Day mode could be good for a Tarantino flick.

Idris Elba. The guy just played a Norse god, so he's got the range.

…Of Cock!!!

Just the fact that you call it Car Voltron tells me you're not ready

At best, that was a B- half-hour of sitcom television. I honestly can't understand the almost universal love for this show, I have really liked some episodes, but mostly it strikes me as unoriginal, with at most 3 inspired characters and 2 inspired performances, fuck it, nothing I say would change your minds so keep

Yeah, I saw that for the first time last night and i was appalled. Fuck The Office, Fuck it for real.

best Clint line: "Dyin' ain't much of a livin' boy."