ventricular buzzword

Not that you would.

Ok, I'll buy that.  I think I was laughing before Alex's line made me laugh harder.

Yeah, remember, that girl loves to EAT.

They've both improved so much.  It might be that the writers learned no to make them the straight men, which they often seemed to be oin the first season.  This show really doesn't need one.

And then Alex says "Aww.  That's nice that you think that."

Hannigan is the most unlikable character on the show.  I am far more interested in seeing what 
Cobie Smulders ends up doing after this ends.

Tina Fey really commits to the fugly joke.

Wow.  I didn't even realize it was her.  Good call.

RIP Season 2 of Terriers

After the pilot they aired the first season completely out of order.  I started watching in the middle of this season (after catching up on the first) and it made almost no difference.  The only thing I noticed was that there is an episode with a scene in Dave's food truck that was in an episode shown before the one

Yeah, I think that rules it out.

No.  It is not.  But it is still very good.

Reminds me more of a snake with Nic Cage's head.

SPOILERS (kind of anyway)

That's fair.  I just dislike it so much I could't resist reiterating that fact.

Was it just me, or did Skinny Mac actually seemed skinny, as if he lost all the fat but hadn't bulked up to where he used to be?

who pooped the bed was one of the worst episodes they've ever done.  Although, Frank's brother was pretty bad.

The reason why I won't be TOO sad if this gets canceled, is the I'm bored to death of Ray's love life.  Everything else is great, yet they spend time on Ray and his girlfriend week after week.  I think part of it is that Zach Galifianakis, more than the other two, needs the ensemble to bounce off of.  He too weird

The show needs Jesse.  The team needs a fourth man.  And he's not particularly annoying or anything.

It was at least a solid B for me.  I did like the awkward walkout ending.  And Mac's Swedish plumber impression.  That's totally something Indy would do.