ventricular buzzword

I just wanted to add that I have loved these Newsradio rev iews. I am pretty sure that I started regularly reading the AVClub after stumbling over one of the Season 1 or 2 reviews several summers ago. I will definitely be sad when there is no more Newsradio left.

Better off Ted: another show that left us too soon.

I watched it from the premier of the pilot, but only because one of my friends had heard about it somewhere and really wanted to see it because of Ron" Howard's narration and his love of David Cross in Mr. Show and Jeffrey Tambor in The Larry Sanders Show.

I also am of the opinion that "Good Grief!" was the show's peak. But "Pier Pressure" is my favorite of Season 1.

Jimmy the caveman always cracks me up.

" There's no sign in either of these episodes that Max is Matthew II; quite the opposite. "
I maintain that Max's role in Boston could have so easily been filled by Bill that it was probably a Bill story-line they turned into a Max one.

"Pier Pressure" is probably my favorite episode from season one. I'm looking forward to next week.

"God, if NewsRadio had just come out when single-camera and (especially) no laugh track were in vogue, it might have been the greatest sitcom ever. They do great staging with the three-camera work as is, but could you imagine if they could fire off jokes at the pace of an Arrested Development or 30 Rock?"

A stand up triple.
Dave's initial reaction to Lisa sleeping with Johnny results in one of my favorite Dave lines ever.

My name is Ozymandias, king of kings
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

The problem with Diplomacy is that it takes forever and you need 7 people. But it is better than Risk.

I think that part of the reason Max worked in Noise was that it was a plot that could have very easily been done by Bill. It fit with the prior balance the show had.

I think that the fact that the episode is still funny is IN SPITE of the fact that the episode is dated. It really highlights the strength of the writing.

"My name is Judge!"

I just started watching SportsNight on Netflix, and I would be in favor of it being covered eventually. I guess I missed where it was covered in the past.

I watched the pilot with not very high expectations and was hook almost immediately. From the beginning the show feels very complete, with the characters fully formed.

I'm glad Newsradio coverage is back.
But I'm sad that this is the last season.

Thanks to 30 Rock,
I know that "Verkaufen" means "to sell". Or "to buy." One or the other.

I agree, miraclewhiphipster. Though you could tell things were exactly aces for Foley back in his Celebrity Poker days, I wasn't really aware how bad it was.

I agree. I love all three, but For A Few Dollars More is the best of the,