ventricular buzzword

IMDB has him in next weeks episode.

So Archer's gonna marry a BLACK. . .
. . .OPPS field agent!?

From the Hollywood Reporter interview:
"THR: Now what's behind the recent Cougar Town story line in NBC's Community?

I really liked the fan-created Walking Dead credits, but the real Walking Dead credits fits the show really well too.


The "chewable cancer meds for kids" line got the biggest laugh from me.
But really, it was all wonderful.

@Craig J. Clark

Same for me. This season has really knocked it out of the park.

Is it black, or slightly darker black?

This has been a very good season, but I think this episode just gets a B from me. I agree with Bill_M, it felt like there was a bigger joke coming that never came. The Malory/Cyrill stuff was gold, though.

I just happened to watch part of the movie Stardust the other day and happened to notice he has a tiny role in it.

I think Netflix has The League of Gentlemen. But I don't know because I haven't watched it. But I think it keeps showing up in their recommendations for me.

Yeah, the Ottoman Empire had some staying power. Over 600 years from an empire based on putting your feet up!

L.A. Confidential is probably my favorite film (although, who can pick one favorite).

Stray observations are always a welcome part of the review. So do people think Sarah is a long term character, or just on for a particular arc?

"Oh, and the action in the third Matrix move was very interesting either. Unless you like watching CGI mechs fire into the air for 45 mins."

Oh, and the action in the third Matrix move was very interesting either. Unless you like watching CGI mechs fire into the air for 45 mins.

At the end of the 2 season their relationship is left somewhat ambiguous. I don't think they're together at that point, but they are certainly heading in that general direction.

The problem with The Matrix Reloaded, is that it set up a lot of questions that the muddled mess of the third film never really answered.

I couldn't say as to which of their films are the best, but the ones I return to the most are Miller's Crossing and O Brother. I do need to see Intolerable Cruelty again and I've only watched their last few films (from No Country on) once each, so that could change.