ventricular buzzword

The best part of the video was Taco taking a sandwich out of the filing cabinet.

Angry Ruxin
is very funny.

That was the first 7 episodes. Not even a full season. Besides, you're wrong. The 2nd and 3rd seasons were clearly superior.

I was getting an"Its a Mad Mad Mad World" vibe.

It was better than every episode of last season.

Mike Sciocia
Mike Sciocia was a call back to the power plant softball episode I think.

I don't know. Legends rarely live up to their reputation. It might be better to keep him off-screen.

And on the subject of grave-robbing, I agree, it is not even in the same ball park. I WOULD like to express my fake concern about how entire generations are learning that robbing the dead is perfectly OK from playing all them Got-Damn vid-Yo games. Disgraceful.

"Isn't there some episode where they say the Venture Compound is in California?"


"how awesome would 21 recruiting Dermott into the Monarch's crew be? They could do a whole fresh Monarch episode from his "Sheesh, whatever, dude," perspective. "

"but you can't deny that Hannigan sold it every time."
DENY DENY DENY. It was a stupid joke, done to death, even though it wasn't funny the first time. I know there are a lot of people out there who don't like Ted, but for my money, Lilly is the least like-able of the group. I do think she is often very funny, but

As a current law student
I really enjoyed the fact that Kevin had a Law for Dummies book. Apparently it's filled with common sense legal advice.

Mac has a certain innocence to him that Dennis has always lacked. As a matter of fact, Mac, Charlie, and Dee all have some redeeming aspects to their character, but like you said, Dennis has been redlining sociopath for awhile now.

"I am sick of Chang, I am sick of the Dean"

I liked the instant call back to last week's dream jobs.

I am with Ack Ack on all counts. I've enjoyed all the write ups and will continue to read them for as long as they're put up. And MAN, does Jenny Wade make that southern accent work.

"I basically agree with you, except for the Catherine Rhumor story line. That storyline has basically been the writers spinning there wheels for half a season."

"Also I'm hoping that Boardwalk Empire won't kill Rubicon in ratings, but I mean…I don't have HBO and I do have AMC."

Being the Boss
Once again, Will doesn't seem to do any work besides handing out assignments to his underlings. At least Grant and Miles seemed to recognize that fact this time. Will is always leaving work early and heading up to the roof while everyone else practically lives there. It seemed to me that they set