ventricular buzzword

Good call. I'll have to watch it again, as I haven't seen it in years.

I think we need to give New Apartment Chick more than one episode. After the first few of the series all of Will's underlings seemed pretty one dimensional but the show has subsequently done a great job at fleshing them out into Miles, Grant, and Tanya (as opposed to just 'minions').

"The MOST people!"

Oh, I understand that. I just think it's funny they haven't even pretended to show him working on real work.

"What's weird about Rubicon is that I'm not sure the plot end has entirely held up, but I also completely don't care. What we've learned about the grand, Atlas McDowell conspiracy is that, well, it's not all that exciting."

I think it's funny
that Will never seems to do any real work at the office besides hand folders off to his underlings.

I enjoyed it.

I also did thought that the Mr. F plot and Charlize Theron was the weakest part of the series. Outside of that, though, the 3rd season was still pretty great. Personally, I have always held that the show peaked at Good Grief. Nothing before or after was as funny (though obviously still amazingly good).

I think that part of what makes Good Grief better than Pier Pressure for me is the sheer number of jokes crammed into it. Pier Pressure is good but it lacks the volume or variety that Good Grief has.

Nice analysis
But, man, explaining a joke really does kill the humor.

Well, there's the fact that Bancroft knew something was up with Will's father-in-law before Will talked to him and than played dumb about it.

"Tonight's episode was easily the weakest of this new season"


I also forgot about the open. After going back and watching it again, I think it is left a little ambiguous. Kale's offer to help might have been made because he saw Will's cards out and knew he was still working on solving it. Maybe he planted the bugs, or maybe e found them while he is there and THATS how he

The eye role moment for me was when they had Miles' mom call him late at night, at work to complain about her gall stones or something. Really?

". I think the show is one of the most mesmerizing looking on TV"
Yeah. Honestly, I think what kept me watching in the early episodes was, as much as the conspiracy aspect (which I'm a sucker for) was the fact that the visuals are so hypnotic they just suck me in.

Arrested Development next week.
Looking forward to it, as "Good Grief" is my favorite episode of AR. I'm really liking this "A VERY SPECIAL EPISODE" column. I didn't know there was an episode of M*A*S*H like this one. I'll nave to give it a look.

Oh, I agree with you then. The whole time I was expecting Bloom to loose Will or confront him , since he was some CIA guy. But I think that having Kale and Will meet eyes like that made up for it .

I am wondering if it is the type of show people are more likely to get into if they could watch episodes one right after the other on DVD. With the first few episodes moving as slowly as they did I think it might be easier to build up momentum with having to wait a week.

"Besides, does it really count as tailing someone if you get discovered? There's no way CIA guy didn't know he had a tail."