Volcanic Dog

I passed over the annual American Hedonistic SexFest dates in L.A., Vegas, and Chicago in July because of my work schedule, but was really looking forward to the early August celebration in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, a family crisis came up and I had to cancel my plane ticket.

Unlike dinosaurs, humans possess warm blood and problem solving skills. Sure, a good lot would be wiped out, but they'll continue on with the rest of the furry little creatures.

Concubine is what it means, I believe. Concubine.

I was reading an outdated wildlife guide.


Some kind of elusive woodland creature, eternally bending and smiling.

Yeah, to me, AV Club should be above Jersey Shore. I realize the purpose of reviewing it, and yeah, it's fun to read, but you can literally go anywhere on the internet and find people making fun of it. They should find another terrible show to talk bad about… JS's been done to death.

Pro-wrestler's tanktop?

They reminded me of the current robot technology that Toyota, etc. keep trying to put together. They're supposed to be "lifelike," but really all they can do is shuffle around and try not to fall over. Not too hard to bash your way through a group of Asimos if you have a good stick.

The top button would require her to raise her pretty, dainty arm another couple of inches.

I, as a person who poo'd all over Matt Smith's casting as the 11th Doctor, completely agree. He does a great job of seeming way older than he is, which David Tennant did well sometimes but lost his shit too often to really drive home.

No, but 2000 years is a way, way longer time than Amy had to wait. No matter how abandoned she felt, I was still hoping for Rory to say, "Oh really? 36 years? Yeah, it's not polite to complain about that next to me."

It's a weird photo. There's nothing particularly exciting or attractive about it, but it keeps distracting me anyway. I'll be glad when she's gone.

What was the one where the dudes ended up in on that planet that was like a giant wax museum, except it was a cemetery? It creeped me out pretty good.

I think it's better how it is. Personally, I can't stand those "Oh my god! It was all real!" endings with no explanation.

I watch the box sets in a huge chunk about every year and a half or so. I usually forget how a few of the episodes pan out, so yeah, there's always something new.

Jesus, I hate that episode. It didn't feel Twilight Zoney at all, just half an hour of a dude with a gambling addiction, and it was irritatingly preachy.


Your mom should discover the secret to cover her fat ass.

I don't think so. There are tons of vocalists who could do a convincing Curtis if they wanted to. They just have to sing all low and suicidey.