
John, I've been keeping tabs on the man.

That ending doesn't sound happy at all! What's that poor guy going to do without someone to make sammichs and bring him beers?

You're a dude?

Screw ebaum's, that place is a dump of theived memes.

This ep put me right to sleep. Tho that have had something to do with the headies I smoked.

Did someone say quirky indie?
Thought I should check in on this shenanigans.

I herd
there's going to be full frontal nudity. True story?

It doesn't make a bit of difference
The balls are inert.

fap fap fap

The 18 year old might be a bit quicker. It's be wicked cool to watch old and young versions of the same fighter go at it to see whether experience or youth wins out.

1) I hate her fucking dog.

Guys… you're not suppose to smoke it with your face. Marijuana is a suppository.

I agree with a lot of what Kaku said about the genre except fo this bit, "Science fiction without the science just becomes, you know, sword and sorcery, basically stories about heroism and not much more."

Pretentious or condescending asshat aren't synonyms for hipster. There are some subtle deviations, k thx.

Blasphemy is something running counter to someone's established belief. The belief exist, if only in an abstract way, so the blasphemy exist. Ignorant fucks like you without critical thinking skills are the ones who harpoon critical thinking atheist.

I shat myself.

"Is it just me, or is serial killer Kenneth totally hot? I'd totally fuck him if he promised to talk to me in that unnerving serial killer voice. Stern and firm. Oh yes, Kenneth…whatever you say…"

I'd say Kumar's death was more jarring because as the viewer we can clearly tell he was murdered but are unable to communicate that to House.

They're So Unusual
Seriously though did you guys all get it. This isn't your average Police Department. Everyone is unusual. They chase men in hot dog suits and all have unique and unusual problems. They're different than other cops. This isn't your normal cop drama. It's unusual.

She's sassier than your average token ethnic lady cop.