
Why does the first wave hate Mexicans in particular?

Heh, gotta appreciate a good troll I guess.

I've been doing it since before it was cool and will continue long after it isn't any longer. Any action I take is for the simple motivation of satisfaction with no attempt to made to endear or impress anyone. Hipsters live to make empty social gestures to other like minded people of the same subculture.

I'm of the opinion that this whole swine flu is simply another Zionist conspiracy. Like 9-11 or Everyone Loves Raymond.

Saul is my new favorite character. He reminds me of Ari Gold, but then again I'm a massive racist.

Walt is a nerd. Nerds like both Simpson references and science so it only makes sense that he'd have the hat. I also have the sneaking suspicion nerds also enjoy nuclear holocausts.

Say irony one more time, i dare you fuckers.

You made a comment in the subject line.

Since Dragonballs isn't playing anywhere around me I'll have to get plastered and go see this.

imma go out on a limb
and guess this is some hipster bullshit


What exactly happened to that super strong bond they built in the last episode?

Swine Flu
This was the nation's first victim and she must be avenged! Stab a pig!

Main Entry: geek chic
Definition: all the looks of a geek, without the intelligence, wit, or smell.
Synonyms: hipster


Soft SciFi tends to deal with more social, political issues rather than hard SciFi which focuses on men's erect members.

I hate that shrill engourged harpy.

Do you rini? Do you really? I don't think you do.

I would've held the door shut until he said something funny in his robotalk.

Vonnegut said what he wanted to when he was alive. All this strip mining of his work is going to reveal are incomplete or uneeded writings in some hope to do what? Make a buck, expand his legacy? I somehow think Vonnegut would be opposed to the first motive and his place in history is already ensured.