
Today in "Stuff I Forgot Was Happening Until Just Now":

Not specifically learning disorders, but my mental disorders negatively affect my ability to learn things. I try not to use it as a cop out for being dumb sometimes, but I don't want to ignore how it affects me either.

Oh I did, you didn't misread haha. I'm not being confrontational, everyone has different thoughts. I just wasn't sure if it came across in my review that I really liked it so I felt like mentioning that just to make sure.

The theater aspect is a good comparison. It felt like I was watching a "digital play" rather than a film. Some sort of amalgam of both film and theater. You just can't have the same feel with standard editing.

I think the director said it was meant to be more realistic in the sense that we experience our own lives through a single shot take. We don't get the luxury of following around different characters away from our own, but like you said it's "really fucking cool" too.

It is, but I enjoyed the commitment to form and trying something that isn't done very often. If anything I was actually entranced by being able to pick out where the editing changes happened.

It is. I actually really liked it.

I liked it and I like thinking about it.

I watched Birdman: or The Unexcpected Virtue Of Ignorance for the first time.

I'm trying to imagine a modern Don Draper pitching this but nothing's happening.

I watched The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance for the first time yesterday.

"treacly googoowa"

I feel like the suits saw reactions audiences had in Iron Man 3 when Stark dropped that "no need to be a pussy about it" line and have since made it part of the formula. Now they're figuring out self referencing gives the impression that the film is rebellious and cool. In Avengers 2 it was Captain with the running

I watched Ant Man. Oh dear.

I decided to finally start trying to finish Mad Men again. Better late than never I guess.

Pixels or Ant Man. Hopefully Ant Man.

I'm really not looking forward to Pixels making bank and spawning a franchise. Grown Ups 2 made over 200 million without being a summer action blockbuster. I don't know where Sandler fans live, but they come out of the woodwork for stuff like this.

I just watched The French Connection for the first time.

Omfg I saw Tombstone and for some reason connected it with Undertaker. I'm gonna crawl into a corner and die now.

I haven't watched anything related to wrestling since elementary/middle school with my dad, but for some reason I've been binging on WWF/E history the past week. I think the Macho Man promos are what sparked it. The entrances and crowd reactions are pretty amazing sometimes; I love Kane and Stone Cold entrances.