
As a Cleveland fan, the horrible offense is not that shocking either.

The Cleveland Indians and Cincinatti Reds just played one of the worst baseball games I've ever seen. Score was 5-3 with Cleveland winning in 11 innings.

I watched The Big Lebowski for the first time!

I only heard about them because Kurt Cobain mentioned them during an interview I found on youtube. Apparently he was a big fan of them.

Unsure if this is a compliment or not.

I'm not new, I haven't seen many movies, I don't keep track of favorites, but I'll try and make a list.


All I remember about Joel is that he annoyed Yvette because she's a person who "rewards you so much" for picking on her, and that he humped everyone.

I always just assumed Donald was writing Gambino stuff during this nonsense and was either inspired or insulted by their performance.

Well now I feel dumb for not knowing this.

Holy smokes. And some people were assuming he was skipping E3 stuff to avoid backlash. I didn't know his health was that bad. :(

I watched Mad Max: Fury Road for the first time yesterday!

And on another note, I think Jurassic World really did borrow an entire plot device from How To Train Your Dragon 2 with the whole "Alpha" thing.

I watched How To Train Your Dragon 2 for the first time.

At first it was just a harmless comment I made during the movie, but I wasn't sure if there was a reason for it. I didn't really see any stick out, but I wasn't keeping track. It kinda became a running joke by the end. Or maybe it was just generic hollywood whitewashing.

I'm going to answer your answer with another question.

I just watched Hunger Games: Catching Fire for the first time. I had only seen the first movie up till tonight.

I just watched Nightcrawler with Jake Gylllynnhlahl for the first time.

I guess this is Seth Rogen's Moneyball opportunity.

Rick and Morty S2 episodes 1 & 2 have leaked (intentionally?). Not sure if I want to spoil myself before the premiere.