
Holy smokes that was amazing.

Jeff's really not handling this late season confronting his probable eternity at Greendale thing very well.

Britta's commentary on the Dean has to be an actual copy/paste from a tumblr post somewhere.

I don't know when or why they decided Todd should be a borderline psychopath for seemingly no reason, but I love it.

Ice Cube Head probably only works well because it's Roiland doing the voice, but it does work well.

Gasp! An F-Bomb on Community?! I was actually wondering if that was ever going to happen this season. I don't think it's happened yet, has it?

This season is really nailing the self-awareness without being too overbearing.

PaintyFilms watches the Community Season 6 Finale for the first time!

Whoaaaaaaa Community tag referencing the show is now Canon? Not sure how I feel about that.

Fuck. This Office-level cringe is killing me

Oh God this speech is gonna be awful isn't it.

Elroy's black support aside was pretty great.

Watching the wedding episode for the first time!

I don't use facebook very often, but I logged in today hoping to see a shitstorm of old acquaintances arguing with each other. Does facebook filter your news feed now? I saw zero conservative "well the world has gone to shit" posts. Maybe all my facebook friends really do just support it.

Season 2 on had higher highs and lower lows.

Rereading it, this really does sound oddly like a Community premise.

Pretty sure that's just a photo of Kurt Cobain

I got offered a full time teaching job (finally)!

Get him to sign an ironically wrong book. Like Photoshop his same book cover with something inappropriate on it, then get him to sign it.

This is my fault. I stopped following the 2nd and 3rd seasons and I'm not caught up yet. I'm not a Nielsen box either, but I didn't help.