
Watching new EPs for the first time. I kinda miss filtered Harmon. These EPs would've really benefitted from someone say in "ehhh maybe we shouldnt,"

The musical I'm directing/conducting the pit for/choreogaphed/set designed went pretty bumpy the first night, but much better yesterday. Kids did alright and I didn't screw up too bad.

Watching Cars 2 for the first time subbing for a Spanish class. Maybe it's because I'm watching it in Spanish with Eng sub's, but this isn't as bad as I was expecting.

I haven't finished Hannibal Season 2 yet, and I just realized I still have a subscription to Amazon Prime that I'm not using.

Don't ever direct a musical theatre production if you also have to direct/rehearse the pit orchestra and there's only 1 other asst, director helping you. You will go insane and have at least 1 public breakdown in front of the cast.

Obligatory "Her?" Joke

I can't tell if this is a joke or not.

He's said 3 seasons in past interviews, or 2 seasons and a movie. Kinda disappointing, but I can understand his viewpoint. It must get either boring or difficult to come up with interesting stories for the same characters for 2+ seasons. Community has the same problem.

Wow you weren't kidding. 3-4 million last season and they're not even going above 1 million this season.

Late with the Gravity Falls viewing…

Just watched Whiplash. Wowee.

I want Colts in if just to get Cribbs and DQ Jackson a ring. Those guys stuck with Cleveland through some rough times so it's nice to see them in a playoff series.


I liked it. It's a USA show, but it's enjoyably formulaic and there's great chemistry with the actors.

The Wendy's asiago commercial gives me the creeps.

I hate that special teamer so much right now

That's disappointing. The trailers make it look like a lot of fun.

I may have accidentally prevented my dad from seeing Imitation Game. He saw it was getting great reviews and said he was interested in seeing it. I told him it was about Alan Turing, who basically invented the computer and probably killed himself because he was gay and everyone treated him like crap. The interest just…

I'm sorry I think im late for this, but does NBC have a show called "The Slap" built around everything that happens after a suburbanite white dad slaps a kid?

AMC playing John Wayne on Christmas Eve. They know the old baby boomer male demo (my father) very well.