
I have a Juggalo (insane clown posse fan) in my class today. It's not even a class so much as a special ed program for violent kids with terrible family situations.

Yeah that was kinda my opinion too. It seems to think it's smarter than it is, and overall it's just "okay". They had the subject material for an amazingly deep story, and they just kinda backed away from it for cheap payoffs and pop song(s) they could blast 24/7. Seclusion/exclusion, anxiety, depression; they really

Watched the Cavs/Knicks game instead of Peter Pan. Saw a nice discussion on Ferguson by the Inside the NBA crew.

I really like these casting decisions.

Are the new Community episodes coming out all at once a'la Netflix shows?

"That Family Guy/Simpsons crossover…"

In all honesty I'd rather they just completely ignore it and do the most Season 1ish pizza episode ever. Then next episode everyone's like "hey was that big anniversary last week?"

OK well revenge isn't a very nice thing now is it

It's crazy how much more I like Rick now that he's just a badass.

This cop guy has a very punchable face.

wait.. They're all cops. All of them? Do they just wear their uniforms all the time - WHOAAAAAA BETTER CALL SAUL COMMERCIAL

You can say "bullshit" on TV now? And what is a Router… Rider… Ruutter?

OK whoever the main guy is seems a lot more interesting than he was in S1. Before he was a cheesy sheriff goody good, now he's a broken fermented Clint Eastwood meets homeless guy

He was horny, so he dropped me.

I haven't watched an episode of The Walking Dead in years. Like Season 1. My brother has the new ep on right now and I'm gonna have some fun trying to fill in the gigantic blanks of 3-4 seasons I missed.

Irobot is a movie where the cameras spin and spin too much until I want to throw up.

I actually like Walken as Cptn Hook, but Allison Williams is just a bit unsettling

Chevy might be a dick, but he's actually a pretty decent musician. Former member of Steely Dan if I remember correctly.

I was going to ask you about who was carrying the Red lightsaber, but apparently you don't know either. I remember reading somewhere that the speculation was it was Luke, but it doesn't seem like that would fit.

Jurassic World trailer felt like an old franchise trying to dress itself in new stereotypes without much thought into keeping the old feeling in tact.