
I finally started Season 2 of Orange is the New Black. I'm 3 episodes in, but I think I might be getting tired of the show. Sort of the "congratulations you figured out our show kinda has a formula" effect. Plus almost every character in the show is a terrible human being, and not in the entertaining kind of way. Even

It's weird seeing Community's Subway exec in the Wendy's commercials. I feel slightly betrayed.

Looking to be the same for me. Ugh.

I'll do Toxicity by System of a Down. My inner angsty middle schooler is not quite gone yet and I think this might be the one album I have the most familiarity with.

The awful picture leaking going on is really affecting my ability to interact with large community websites. As in, I don't think I can do it anymore. Reddit, tumblr, twitter, what have you. For completely validated reasons, it just doesn't feel clean to participate in any large mob interaction anymore. I just feel so

For a second I thought we were writing our own album together, but this is cool too.

I have a headache. I should be asleep but I'm not. I'm going to sleep.

Thanks for posting these. My fandom has died down considerably and I don't plan on buying the S5 DVDs so I really appreciate these.

I think this is going to be me next year. I just don't think I can remotely afford it.

I like Gravity Falls, but the fandom is reaching MLP levels of concentrated creepiness. It's getting difficult to be more involved if that is what is being promoted more than anything else.

I finally got to see "The Golf War" ep of Gravity Falls now that it finally aired on the regular Disney Channel. I don't understand you, Disney Channel.

That's me. Well kinda.

My cousin visited some distant relatives this summer, and a few of them were around age 10-13. He was trying to relate to them, so he's like "hey do you guys like iCarly?" The kids mocked him for being out of touch and said it was cancelled or stopped a few years ago or something. Apparently iCarly is already dated?

Isn't that the Invader Zim guy?

*Finishes watching Ep. 2 of Gravity Falls season 2*

For some reason I was trying to make up a Bizarro/Superman movie the other day and Aquaman popped up as a supporting character in my head. Like an alien race comes trying to collect rare or superior species and Aquaman's name pops up as a type of "pet" while Superman and Lobo are lobbied to join their high society or

Oh god. It's like voting for president.

On another note, I have no idea why someone doesn't just make a movie entirely dedicated to Casey Jones in order to introduce us to the TMNT universe. The dude is just too marketable. Someone actually made a short film centered around the character and even that was pretty fun to watch.

To be fair, you could say that about any michael bay movie. And this really is any michael bay movie.

America? Yes.