
Schoenberg + Reich. Oh dear.

I hate that I know that the TMNT "movie" comes out tomorrow. I was hoping to not know anything about it, but they've been advertising it so much that it's inescapable. Really not looking forward to the sequels when it inevitably makes tons of money.

My DVR only records the showings on the actual Disney Channel instead of XD so I haven't seen it yet… but I will tomorrow!

Surprise of the century: Guardians of the Galaxy was really good.

30 minutes ago: *Checks DVR* Gravity Falls! WAIT, NEW GRAVITY FALLS?!?!?!

The Grand Budapest Hotel is a great movie and I really liked it.

My kneejerk reaction was that this was an After Earth quote. I almost want to watch that movie just to validate how bad I think it is in my mind.

I am judging you so much right now.

I fully expect jokes making fun of how irrelevant Yahoo is in the first episode.

I decide to start posting here again and Community gets renewed?

So I've applied for 2 teaching jobs this year in one state where the previous band director was fired for committing sexual crimes against students. I know getting out of college meant I was going to meet the "real world", but this is just fucking terrible.

I haven't posted here in a while, but I'm still alive. I haven't seen the 2nd half of Hannibal season 2 or the new Orange is the New Black yet. I just don't have the time. It's nice to see this place is still going though.

I watched some episodes of Transformers: Beast Wars over the weekend just to remind myself that it's possible to make something with transformers that has great writing and well developed characters. That show had some deep stuff in it.

We get special symbols with youtube links now?

Blues Brothers. Good or bad movie?

I feel like it becomes more realistic for every female-centric movie that suddenly decides to be a cash cow for studios. With the way things are currently going, I could definitely see a studio take a risk on it provided they get a decent writer/director combo.

God dammit.

I felt strangely proud the other day because a few respectable kids in my classes actually agreed with me. Agreeabuddies!

That's actually the one song out of the movie I actually liked. The others aren't bad, they're just… acceptable. VH1, Robocop 2, and Back to the Future 3.

I keep upsetting people whenever they ask for my opinions on Frozen (I just think it's overhyped/overrated). I'm not sure if I should stop because I know I'm annoying them, or keep doing it because I need to defend my thoughts.