
I hope Hannibal can take advantage of the new attention Amazon streaming is going to be getting with HBO shows coming. It seems to be one of the more popular shows in their catalog, but I still hope it becomes bigger.

I have about amillion other things that are happening on May 12, so of course that ends up being the latest date of which Community's renewal could be posted.

There's no way that episode doesn't end with a "GG" line.

The way people are describing it reminds me of that intentionally dumb Kanye West video that came out last year. Producers must really be warming up to this "let's make something so bad that people have to talk about it!" strategy.

I'm trying to see how long I can go without seeing the actual video, or parts of the video a'la Hannah Montana's little episodes last year. While I haven't seen the full videos of either wrackingbrawl or whatever she did at MTV, I couldn't avoid pictures and gifs. Much like those, this recent video is pretty obviously

Haha, never hearing this before I can't help but be reminded of Danza final (Ginastera). It actually sounds like it would fit incredibly well with marching instrumentation.

Now that I finally have a smartphone, I can't believe how tedious it is to type stuff out. It just makes me want an attachable keyboard

"Written by tumblr"

PaintyFilms hasn't been watching Hannibal, but is now catching up

It's nice to know he actually watches the show.

Just saw a live production of A Streetcar Named Desire for the first time. Knowing nothing about the production at first, it might be one of the most metal things I've seen in my entire life.

More importantly, we have the same total as Parks in a more competitive timeslot. Ratings are weird, but using Parks' ratings as a gauge seems like a decent way of looking at things.

Someone else is speculating the heart blips each represent a season of Community

So… she was wearing a skirt instead of pants? I honestly don't pay enough attention to what she wears to know what you're talking about.

"Annie telling him how content he is with life the week after he nearly died"

It's certainly a possibility. Might be Harmon's own response to S4's finale fuckup of "it was all a dream". It's more likely that it represents Greendale and not an actual character, but it's incredibly interesting to think about. These last few episodes just got a lot more interesting, but I also thought ACB was

There was a story a few years ago about the guy who shot someone on the streets of NYC in a very public area. 2 people died, the shooter and the victim. 11 innocent bystanders were injured by police.