
I was thinking it was a callback to the "repilot", but your idea works too.

Now that you mention it, that does seem oddly fitting.

The 0.8 is very likely because of Shark Tank (1.6), which filled in after Wonderland's finale last week. I don't know if it's good or bad that Community only fell a tenth when ABC gained 0.7 from last week in the timeslot.

I too was hoping for this. Or at least a runner with him and the ramen. They really went out of their way to completely F up audience expectations, for better or worse.

The dying heartbeat on the chalkboard was more notable for me.

For someone who preaches treating characters like human beings, Harmon really goes out of his way to make things cartoonish too often. I mean, he's good at it, just look at Rick & Morty. Unfortunately it never really translates to live action as well, and this episode is just another in a long list of episodes that

How Community continues to alienate remaining fans 5 years into its craziness is really kind of amazing.

I don't know that it's worthwhile without the next episode.

Honestly I wish they'd stop tying up very old loose ends. Sometimes the questions are far more interesting and likable than the answers.

I'm going to hope that the 2nd part validates the first, but right now I've never seen Community go this far up its own ass.

I'd see Rio 2 if "Cleveland Browns fuck up the draft, The Movie" wasn't coming out that weekend.

If it had more episodes I'd say it was better than Community S1. Though I don't know if anything will ever top Community S1.

Wait. Is that a fraction? Like "Critical Ability over Intelligence Displayed"?

I haven't been following The Following or this season of Habbinal (though I've seen the first ep). Is it really that different from Habbinal? The 1st season episode with the nurse in the prison really did a number on my psyche.

I haven't actually read or seen any promos for this, but the reactions you guys have aren't getting my hopes up.

I feel weird answering this question with a half-joke, so here's a more serious answer.

That's why I still comment and post random stuff here. I know my writing is not great, but the fact that I actually put stuff out there and try on these little small formats of TV and movie reviews gives me a tiny outlet to at least try something.

Just saw Captain America: Winter Soldier.