
Two unrelated things. 1) It bugs me that Ferguson is barely being considered a worthwhile replacement for Letterman. He's probably the best interviewer available. 2) I'm having one of the worst weeks I've had in a very long time and I can only blame myself and I just needed to share that with anyone.

I like that they brought Jon Banks in, but the show could really use some more consistently appearing new characters.

That was my basic reaction, though not as harsh compared to puppets. It was still pretty funny. Shirley's "I have 3 kids!" runner was great every time.

Intro to Teaching gave me such high hopes for this season, but the whole Donald leaving thing probably got Dan to go "ARGH GOT TO DO EVERYTHING CRAZY BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE ANOTHER SHOT" again.

Most Community episodes end up like that, even the exceptionally bad ones. There's typically so much happening at once that I never really feel like I got the full experience the first time.

Acceptable and memorable, but not great. I loved how dedicated they were to the format. Though, as others have stated, a lot of recent Community episodes would benefit from tension built throughout the season. We've barely touched on Jeff being a teacher, and we haven't really had time to dwell on how he feels about

I didn't think Community could surprise me anymore in a good way. Hopefully this ends well. Right now I'm interested but still anxious.


Something that happened this week: A few of my students were talking about how they loved Orange is the New Black. I chimed in saying I also loved that show. It definitely creeped at least one of them out (because obviously lesbians and naked ladies).

I am so uninformed about NBC shows that I actually looked up the word "Growfish" to see if it was a new comedy I hadn't heard about for some reason.

Stockhausen is incredibly difficult for me to listen to. For some reason any composition by him always feels like needles in my head. I really respect Kontakte, but as a listening experience it's one of the more brutal things I've ever tried to give attention to.

It's times like these I'm glad I never followed HIMYM

I miss the simplicity of S1 titles. Nowadays it's like every episode needs to sound unrealistic for a college course.

So the new TMNT movie basically looks like the first Transformers movie.

I guess we're only missing a GI Jeff teaser.

Ray Liotta?

They have the laughter already in it. I'm busy here making a sandwich, but those guys thought it was funny!

I really don't enjoy the guy asking the questions.

Yvette does not understand the internet

This S4 talk is pretty good right now. Sounds like Joel really was pretty gung ho about getting Dan back "or else"