
Holy cow, she's 81? Well I guess the behavior makes a little more sense. That's like my grandpa being given time to talk to a room full of people.

I actually had it on mute for most of the broadcast because it was even too hard to listen to.

I stopped watching it about a half hour ago. Is it still terrible?

And now I remembered all the horrible things from last season of Hannibal.

Hannibal has great visuals, but I think I might love the aural experiences most of all. I just can't find anything else like it anywhere in TV or movies.

Great Britta episode.


Thoughts on The Artist

Of course the dislikes stopped working before this happened.

I may or may not have a lot of leftover angst and anger from my teenage years.

Is Fire Walk With Me (the movie) worth seeing? I haven't read good things about it and I'm worried about it tarnishing a good show.

Episode aired in 1991.

PaintyFilms FINISHED Twin Peaks for the first time

Even though I'm not interested in participating in the twich-Pokemon adventure (or really watch anything on twitch), it is an amazing amount of fun to see random updates on. I really hope they go through the entire pokemon catalog because this format is surprisingly entertaining.

Usually I'd be happy about snow days, but school closings are really fucking up the students' schedules. I feel like we don't have enough time to get stuff accomplished anymore.

I'm still just assuming Digi is a bot.

Just be glad he didn't get caught delivering pot to his dog.

PaintyFilms watches TWIN PEAKS for the first time

Maybe it did and I just forgot.