
I'm almost completely positive you're spoiling something, but it's so cryptic that I have absolutely no idea what it could be spoiling. Please don't get any more specific… please.

PaintyFilms watches TWIN PEAKS for the first time


Office supply store with rows of shirts, displays of hats, but no office supplies at all.

I'm actually hopeful for About a Boy. Kinda hoping for the bizzaro good version of 2.5 Men.

The promos for that were unbearably bad. It was more of a corporate-equation-show than Blacklist.

It's a recently published comedy from a website dedicated to cheap school plays. I've been told it's what the kids are used to. Nothing famous or anything, but it's new which is exciting in its own way (regardless of quality). For privacy I'll keep the title to myself.

So I'm running a high school theater production this winter/spring for the first time. I've learned I'm not very good at being excited about the script in public. Every time someone asks me about it I always go out of my way to be unnecessarily critical of everything in it. I feel like it's good to be critical, but

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the best insult I'll hear all year. Mostly because I've never heard those two words in the same paragraph, yet they go so well together.

I thought the Pilot was actually very well done… as a one time thing. The problem was that it was starting a TV series that would lead to tons of terrible pop covers.

Yes, but I'd bet we have a larger percentage of asian americans. So we've got that going for us.

Hmm. I haven't been to the CZ since yesterday. Better check in and see whats… uh…

I feel like Baauer didn't really have a choice in the matter; it's not really his fault that track carries so much negativity nowadays. Literally everyone just took a song that almost no one knew about and ran it into the ground in about 24 hours.

I'm kinda proud of the fact that I'm always so out of the loop with pop music star's news. I didn't even listen to wrecking ball until one of my students wanted to share it with me about a month ago. Out of respect for other people's tastes I listened to it. It was a lot less dance-like than I was expecting. Oddly

S. Colbert
K. Schaal
J. Oliver
S. Carrell
A. Mandvi

My dad watches NCIS, Monk, Fox News, and reruns of movies made before 1980. Most of them John Wayne.

As an avid Vanilla Coke fan I'm crying on the inside. It's my favorite Coke…

Not sure if posted yet, but Parks actually got adjusted up in the final ratings to a 1.5 demo rating. Community stayed steady with its 1.4, though it still had more total viewers than Parks. Not sure how this reflects on Community, but I suppose we can still say Community is a better anchor than anything else NBC has

Only Virtual Systems Analysis and Introduction to Finality come to mind. Nothing really beats going inside Abed's head.

Everyone hates new disqus (and new AVclub), but we don't really have many options.