
Fuck the Patriots. That is all.

Highlights of Joel and company from yesterday's very prestigious VGX Awards.

I had to make up an exam on a Sunday once. I showed up late to it because I forgot about it and felt like crap. Ugh. Bad memories.

This is exactly why I don't get the hate. It's freaking SpikeTV. If you're not shitting on the quality of the production while participating there is something wrong with you.

Joel has been giving Jeff/Geoff (his cohost) shit all day and I love it.

Cohost: "We're going to announce Game of the Year in a little bit here"

O shit Matt & Trey of South Park are going to interact with Joel pretty soon. Cannot wait.

Cohost: "Come on Reggie (Nintendo rep), you're just announcing a DK world? Fans online could be a bit upset about that, right?"

Oh my god this is one of the cringiest things I've ever seen. Everything in this seems very unprepared and Joel keeps on being a dick to everyone.

Joel is hosting VGX awards live right now: He is very out of place and being a dick and it is awesome

They're DVD features. Honestly I would've rather had another CAST EVALUATIONS feature. :(

This SWAC title game is pretty awesome right now. I also love that the QB and kicker at an HBC (Historically Black College) school are both white. Yay stereotypes!

I love the gif version if just to see the camera's reaction. "Alright everyone let's get excited!…. aand ok let's just look the other way for now."

I'm worn out from yesterday's MACtion. Yay BGSU! Wins the game and loses the conference 8 million dollars!

I can't help but sing it every single time I hear the word "Trinidad". High school music theory was a fun class.

So apparently Joel is going to help host the VGX (video game awards) ceremony tomorrow? (6PM ET / 3PM PT)

Remember the TV show?

I am so pumped for Smash. I don't have a Wii so I never actually owned Brawl, but Melee and 64 Smash were pretty much my entire childhood. Fox, Roy, & Ganondorf. (though Ganondorf really sucked in Brawl)

I beat Mario 3D World today! Well, at least the main storyline. Typically I'd be a bit disappointed at the lack of a storyline in anything, but the gameplay is just too much fun considering how simple it is. There is also a lot of replay value considering the extra worlds and characters. I'm really happy I bought