
I'm kinda upset "Shut up Leonard, you look like a geriatric Charlie Brown" did not make the final cut.

The theme for Halo really helped me out for Dorian in my A-skills and Piano classes in college.

The OSU/*ichigan game is a lot more entertaining than I thought it was going to be. I still cannot believe Akron almost beat them earlier this year.

Yep! Metroid Prime, but I am aware of previous Metroid games able to download on the VC (or whatever it's called) and will get on that eventually).

I've heard similar things about Galaxy from reviews. Yay backwards compatibility!

The WiiU reminds me of the Gamecube. It didn't get much press because it seems to be marketed solely towards kids, but it's got tons of potential. I suspect it will age well though.

I was definitely thinking of picking up Pikmin, but I was holding out Zombie U would provide a darker contrast to the 2 Mario games.

Picked up a WiiU yesterday with 4 games and a 2 year warranty for less than a price of an XBone. Thoughts so far on the games:

The Rick & Morty Pilot is a little better upon rewatch. I think its universe is just too ridiculous too quickly to jump in and try to enjoy. Having context of what type of show to expect really helped out the 2nd time around though.

PaintyFilms watches Mad Men for the first time

There were quite a few high schoolers I taught today that expressed this exact opinion. Surprising as I haven't followed Family Guy since the post cancellation premiere. I was tempted to tell them it's only a ratings move since he'll probably be back next week.

PaintyFilms watches Mad Men for the first time

As much as I admire Roiland's ability to speak like a realistic alcoholic, it is pretty unsettling to hear Rick talk with burps every other paragraph.

I had no idea that song was about nightcaps. Also:

I get to teach Kindergartners today. Oh dear.

So I take it Ender's Game is a certified flop now?

I feel like I'm the only one not instantly looking forward to Nymphomaniac. The only other von Trier film I've seen is Antichrist and I wasn't a big fan. Is that considered a decent work of his or should I check out one of his other films?

So… I can't show reruns of Friends?

Comment #2)

I didn't watch The Office very much past Season 3-4, but I like to think they had a bit more stable new castmembers. The new things happening in Parks just aren't working at all. (especially the angry new Parks employee whose only trait is that he's always angry)